PCB007 Magazine


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JULY 2024 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 63 That's a huge financial savings right there. Yes, especially with the rising cost of utilities. Of course, the system wasn't inexpensive, but the return on the cost for that system will be quick. Aren't customers looking for more green or sustainable partners? at is an industry trend, and it's the right thing to do. Besides that, more of our custom- ers will be looking for manufacturers that are good global citizens. When you look at the path you're on today, what would you do differently if you had to do it all over? I would probably buy an existing shop that was fully operational and change out the equip- ment as needed. Going the route we did to get all the infrastructure in place takes a long time. Bringing in and setting up new equipment can take months. Having an existing shop to start with may provide an opportunity for some cash flow while you build out. But here we are. We are heavily invested and just about to start producing. It's been over three years, and it will likely be four years by the time we are completely done and production ready. It has been a huge investment of money, time, and body new is onboarded, a current employee is assigned to them. It's a 90-day training period. Aer 90 days, they're evaluated on what they know and what they don't. en, it becomes about what else that employee can learn in the manufacturing process. We want people to multitask. It's not just one process or one location that an employee is certified for. We want people who can do sev- eral things; we want them to be cross-trained. It is not only good for the company; it is good for them as well. If somebody calls in sick, you need a backup. So, we go through rigorous training, get them certified at Elmhurst, and then we bring them here to the new facility and get them used to this new equipment. By this time, they should have a baseline understand- ing of what these processes are, what prod- ucts should look like coming out of their line, and what things to look for from a quality and inspection standpoint. Tell me about your green approach to your waste treatment. We truly believe in going green. Seventy per- cent of the water we use in this building is reused as DI water. So, we regenerate our own DI water from our rinses, which then goes back to our waste treatment system.

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