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38 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 Awareness e study found many obstacles in adopting advanced manufacturing technologies (Indus- try 4.0) and broke their study down into five phases and six advanced technologies: Phases 1. Awareness 2. Research 3. Evaluation 4. Implementing 5. Using Advanced Technology 1. 3D printing 2. Artificial intelligence 3. Automation 4. Big data 5. Sensors/IoT 6. Predictive analytics e results in Table 1 show that AI has the highest awareness (26%) but the lowest usage (6%) and 3D printing has the highest (36%). Of the six applications, these two are easiest to implement and use from just purchasing the device. e main inhibitors to adoption are a lack of skilled workers, costs, concerns about data security, and the lack of clear evaluation criteria for AI and advanced solutions. Of the many successful implementations of automation and artificial intelligence, most agreed on the following approach. 1. Start with a strategic roadmap. Establishing a return on investment (ROI) for automation and AI/ML applications is not always straightforward. First, it is essen- tial to clearly define the organization's busi- ness objectives, customer needs, use cases, and measurement of value. A clear operating model and leadership support that empowers flexible culture and experimentation is needed. AI may be an organization's top priority, but other essential activities must come first. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Leverage what others have done, but don't necessarily copy other organizations. It is important to identify the right business cases for your organization. Performing buy vs. build analyses can speed implementations 3 . 2. Assemble talent and prepare the organization. Rather than conduct random projects, it is helpful to centralize the effort so overall guid- ance and adherence to the roadmap can be maintained. Ensure that the project teams have the necessary knowledge and talent to execute the initiative, including business and data sci- ence expertise. Considering the workforce issues today, it can be more productive to upscale your cur- rent employees rather than trying to find experts who are scarce. Train the team and those affected by the project to improve tech- Table 1: Smart manufacturing technology adoption (n = 100)

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