PCB007 Magazine


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JULY 2024 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 53 Synopsis Experienced PCB fab personnel can clearly see the potential opportunity in implementing the above-mentioned systems using a design engineering approach. Leveraging these inno- vations and others, in 2024, a 20–30 panel/ day high-product-mix fab operation can oper- ate with only 10–12 people at a time. is is inclusive of tooling and yield-appealing annual returns when designed from the beginning for this target performance in the defense/aerospace/NPI sector. Figure 2 shows a financial summary of data, including annual growth capital beyond the initial capacity tar- get, as well as closed-loop wastewater recy- cling from a recent due diligence project in North America. PCB007 Alex Stepinski is principal at Smart Process Design. Figure 2: New fab investment profile. Figure 3: UHDI/NPI PCB fab kit decomposition. Figure 4: UHDI defense plus NPI high mix/low volume greenfield fab.

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