PCB007 Magazine


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66 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 You have some automation in this new facility, but it is not fully automated. What is your strategy there? We absolutely have the room to put in more auto- mation. Right now, our priority is to get this build- ing up and running and fill the capacity to a certain level before we look at further automation. at is our automation strategy. We can build the boards that we are promising the market we can build. Once we have the baseline bookings every month, we will examine the areas that need more or less automation. That makes sense. I see you brought in some equipment from Taiwan. You have some nice equipment in your drilling and routing areas, and you have laser technology back there as well. Are you direct imaging. We are direct imaging. We're small. We have a MIVA coming in about 30 days for a second machine. I saw some Orbotech equipment as well. You've made some nice equipment choices, a nice package. A lot of the conveyor lines are from one supplier, which makes spare parts and things easier to manage. Spare parts, service, availability. We also always keep one set of everything in stock, so there is no downtime. Do you have any final thoughts you'd like to share with the industry? We're excited to get going, and show the market what we can produce. We want to play with the best of the best in the industry. Building a new facility like this goes beyond the business itself to the point of being a true mission. We wanted to have an out- standing facility with outstanding equipment and people developing processes and technologies for not only today but the future as well. Our goal was to build a factory of the future today, and I feel that we are very close to accomplishing that. It is a beautiful facility. Congratulations. I wish you the best of luck. PCB007

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