PCB007 Magazine


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68 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 tional cosponsors for H.R. 3249, the PCBS Act. ere is still a need to educate policymakers about the entire electronics ecosystem. Many in Congress understand that we need to make more chips in America, but as we say, chips don't float. Aer three decades of steady contraction, our government recognizes the need to cre- ate solutions to reverse our dependence on long and vulnerable supply chains. America must scale up microelectronics manufacturing to protect ourselves from the impact of polit- ical decisions, armed conflicts, and/or natu- ral disasters that could choke off access to the technologies our economy depends on. e importance of technology in our every- day lives underscores the need for robust American manufacturing capacity. From arti- Last month, I had the pleasure of presiding over PCBAA's third annual meeting—and my first as chair of the association. We spent two days in Washington, D.C., engaging with gov- ernment officials, elected representatives, and thought leaders to educate, advocate, and leg- islate for American manufacturing. ose sessions provided unique insights, and the chance to network with colleagues throughout the supply chain was invaluable. I was gratified to see so many executives from around the country and across our ecosystem. PCBAA membership has grown by more than a factor of 10 since we established the associa- tion with five companies in 2021; we now have members in 28 states. We had dozens of meetings on Capitol Hill advocating for our industry and securing addi- Domestic Manufacturing Takes Center Stage on Capitol Hill American Made Advocacy by Shane Whiteside, PCBAA

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