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22 SMT007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 Feature Article by Audrey McGuckin THE MCGUCKIN GROUP The Problem: Burnout and Disruption On every call with senior leaders, I hear the same thing: eir organizations are facing the cumulative fatigue of constant disruptions. Cri- ses from the pandemic to the war in Ukraine to supply-chain issues—coupled with pressures from return to work and constant transforma- tion efforts—have led to widespread burnout. In e Devil Never Sleeps, author Juliette Kayyem argues that the world we now live in will always have some level of disruption, making conditions tough for organizations and individuals. is context requires a fun- damental shi in perspective, recognizing that such disruptions are now a continuous part of today's global environment—and they aren't going away. The Solution: Leading With Empathy is shi necessitates a transformation in leadership approach that prominently empha- sizes empathy. e traditional leadership com- petencies that used to be in high demand—such as results-oriented drive, execution focus, and strategic acumen—are now considered "table stakes," foundational qualities expected of any effective leader. Simon Sinek says, "e real job of a leader is not being in charge. It's about taking care of those in our charge." As a leader, your primary responsibility is to understand your people. Each individual is navigating their own unique journey, which includes every employee within your organization. If they are experiencing burnout and not thriving, it's crucial to identify Why a Culture of Thriving Matters

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