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4 SMT007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 FEATURE ARTICLES From Surviving to Thriving by Mark Wolfe Why a Culture of Thriving Matters by Audrey McGuckin Wriggling Out of 'the Squeeze' by Timothy McLean FEATURE INTERVIEW From Concept to Reality: Building Alpha Circuit with Prashant Patel FEATURE COLUMNS To Thrive, Surround Yourself With Good People by Dr. John W. Mitchell Enhancing Customer Loyalty and Product Quality by Mike Konrad AUGUST 2024 • FEATURED CONTENT One cannot simply command thriving; it must be nurtured, developed, and encouraged. In this issue, we explore strategies to improve your working relationship model—both inter- nally and externally—so you can grow your business in the process and create a culture of thriving. A Culture of Thriving 10 22 36 44 18 30 10 22 36

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