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48 SMT007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 Many people I talk to feel there are very few similarities between how Americans and Chi- nese do business. However, I believe that's not true. at's why I researched the similarities between our cultures for this second column on global citizenship. Americans Built the Chinese PCB Industry Remember, it was American companies that taught China how to manufacture cir- cuit boards. Our factories have your finger- prints all over them. So, it should come as no surprise that Chinese and American business practices—while shaped by distinct cultural, The Nexus of Chinese and American Business Relations historical, and socio-economic factors—nev- ertheless share several similarities. We still mostly use Western-made equipment and fol- low IPC standards developed in North Amer- ica and Europe. As we have grown more independent in recent years, for example, in manufacturing our equipment and laminates, our common- alities are becoming more relevant as global- ization and technological advancements inter- twine the economies of both nations. Under- standing these similarities can foster better communication, collaboration, and mutual respect between Chinese and American busi- ness professionals. Global Citizenship by Tom Yang, CEE PCB

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