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26 SMT007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 Once you have your life mapped out, take another hour to reflect on it and ask yourself questions like the ones below. Questions to Ask When Reviewing Your Life Map Once you've completed your Life Map, reflect on the experiences you identified by answering the following questions: • Does anything on my Life Map surprise me? • Do I see any themes or patterns emerging? • What mindsets, assumptions, or beliefs have those patterns created for me? • What did the moments that matter mean to me? How did they impact my view of myself ? • Which mindsets, assumptions, or beliefs identified in this exercise are still active in me today, and are those mindsets still serving me well? For instance, an emerging theme is oen loyalty. rough their Life Map, participants understand where they established this deep loyalty. As they get older, they realize maybe that quality doesn't serve them well every- where. Maybe there are times when they need to let relationships or situations go. One of our clients had a team member who wanted to teach his kids never to quit. at value was so ingrained in him from an early age that he never questioned it. From day one on the team, it was clear that this person was in the wrong role; however, because his highest value was not quitting, he saw transferring to a different role as accepting defeat. It was awful and heartbreaking to watch because it was destroying his self-esteem, but it didn't have to be that way. Wrong role—that's it. He could have reframed this situation to see that trans- ferring was different from quitting. His boss told him that the mindset of never quitting might not serve him in every situation. Finally, he saw the impact this belief was having on him and on the organization. It took him nine pain- ful months—of honest feedback, hard coach- ing, and repeatedly telling him he was in the wrong role—before he finally transferred. Keeping in mind that what you've learned from your experiences might differ from what you need to do in the future, ask yourself: What are the key takeaways that make me the leader I am today? Remember, your story is constantly evolv- ing. As your perspective grows and your mind- set shis, you may look back on your life differently. What Does Empathy Look Like in Practice? I'll give you an example of the practical appli- cation of empathy. For 25 years, I worked for Jabil, a $27 billion company, where I spent 10 years as the chief talent officer. During my ten- ure, I worked in Europe, Asia, and Mexico, and I had the privilege of being mentored by Bill Peters, the president of the company at that time. Bill was well-known for his principle- driven approach, always prioritizing the right course of action for people. His reputation for integrity and support made any opportunity to work with him highly sought aer. My assignment to Asia for three years marked a significant phase in my career, bringing its " What are the key takeaways that make me the leader I am today? "

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