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28 SMT007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 on me regarding the impact of leading with empathy and strength, and it underscored the importance of support from senior leader- ship in overcoming operational challenges and achieving significant growth. Putting It All Together One practical tool is a Cycle of Connection, which outlines how leaders can cultivate a cul- ture of thriving. is model is designed to dem- onstrate how to implement empathy on a prac- tical level. e model emphasizes several key stages: 1. Acknowledgment and understanding: Start by recognizing the unique challenges and pressures faced by employees. 2. Empathy and support: Engage with employees on a personal level to under- stand their specific needs and struggles. 3. Authentic leadership: Be genuine in your interactions, showing your vulnerabilities and concerns, which, in turn, encourages employees to open up. 4. Tailored strategies: Implement personalized approaches that cater to the diverse needs of the workforce, rather than one-size-fits-all solutions. e foundational belief that people deserve to feel con- nected underpins cultivating a thriv- ing culture. is is the starting point; if you do not subscribe to this belief, you might as well go home. e next question is, "How do we foster this sense of connection?" e answer goes beyond salary, compensation, or paid time off. People fundamentally seek a con- nection to authenticity; they yearn to engage own set of challenges. In the initial eight weeks, I faced considerable struggles that le me feel- ing overwhelmed. It was during this period that Bill's qualities as a leader shone most brightly. Upon reaching out to him, he not only offered encouragement but also actively guided me through devising a solution, reassuring me of his support. e complexity of the situation stemmed from being both a woman in a predominantly male environment and a corporate represen- tative, which sometimes led to critical deci- sions being overlooked or contradicted in smaller, local meetings—a practice common in the regions where we operated. Recognizing the issues I faced, Bill intervened directly. He contacted the senior executive team in Asia, instructing them to fully integrate and support me in the leadership agenda. He emphasized that my leadership was crucial for driving the regional strategy focused on building leader- ship capabilities and enhancing the organiza- tional structure. Bill's intervention represented a turning point. It signaled to the entire team the impor- tance of alignment with the corporate objec- tives, setting a prec- edent for how to respect and follow l e a d e r s h i p . T h e backing of another male senior leader, T. P. Yu e n , w h o vocally supported me in town hall meetings, cleared the path for the initiatives we planned to implement. e support I received not only helped align the team but also played a critical role in the success- ful implementation of our strategies over the following years. is experience under Bill Peters's leadership le a lasting impression

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