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62 SMT007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 accelerated thermal cycles for narrowing appli- cability of newly advanced electronic packaging technologies for high-reliability applications. Acknowledgments e research described in this publication is partially funded by the Jet Propulsion Labora- tory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Copyright 2023 Califor- nia Institute of Technology. U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged. R. Ghaffarian would like to acknowledge many people from industry and the Jet Pro- pulsion Laboratory ( JPL), including the ATL team, who were critical to the progress of this activity. Special thanks to M. Meilunas and his team from Universal Instruments Corp. e authors extend their appreciation to the pro- gram managers of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Electronics Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program. SMT007 References 1. "Advanced packaging: Fueling the next era of semiconductor innovation," by B. Hachemi and E. Jolivet, Chip Scale Review Nov 10, 2023. 2. IEEE Heterogenous Integration Roadmap (HIR), accessed Nov 10, 2023. 3. Chip Scale Packaging for Modern Electronics, by J. Fjelstad, R. Ghaffarian, Y.G. Kim, Electrochemi- cal Publications, 2002. 4. BGA Assembly Reliability, Chapter 20 in Area Array Packaging Handbook, by R. Ghaffarian, ed. K. Gilleo, McGraw-Hill, 2004. 5. "Thermal Cycle Reliability and Failure Mecha- nisms of CCGA and PBGA Assemblies with and with- out Corner Staking," by R. Ghaffarian, IEEE Transac- tions on Components and Packaging Technologies, vol. 31, issue 2, June 2008. 6. "Thermal Cycle and Vibration/Drop Reliabil- ity of Area Array Package Assemblies," Chapter 22 in Structural Dynamics of Electronics and Photonic Systems, by R. Ghaffarian, eds. E. Suhir, E. Connally, and D. Steinberg, Springer, 2011. 7. "NASA Guidelines for Ball Grid Array (BGA) and Die-Size BGA (DSBGA) Selection and Application," NASA Electronics Parts and Packaging, by R. Ghaf- farian, accessed Nov 10, 2023. 8. IPC-9701, Performance Test Methods and Quali- fication Requirements for Surface Mount Solder Attachments. 9. "Low Temperature Thermal Cycle Survivabil- ity and Reliability Study for Brushless Motor Drive Electronics," by C.D. Tudryn, B. Blalock, G. Burke, Y. Chen; S. Cozy, R. Ghaffarian, D. Hunter, M. Johnson, E.A. Kolawa, M. Mojarradi, D. Schatzel, and A. Shap- iro, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Aerospace Con- ference, 2006, p. 37. 10. "SMT/PTH Solder Joint Reliability under Extreme Cold Thermal Cycles," by R. Ghaffarain, 2018 IEEE InterSociety Thermal Conference (ITh- erm), San Diego, CA, May 29th –June 1. 11. "Reliability of CGA/PGA Assemblies under Harsh Thermal Cycles," by R. Ghaffarian, A. Choubey, and T. Goodsall, SMTA International Proceedings, 2017. 12. "Effect of Aging on BGA Solder Strengths & Thermal Cycles for Low Temp. Hybrid Assembly," by R. Ghaffarian and M. Meilunas, IPC APEX EXPO Conference Proceedings, 2023. 13. "Reliability of Controlled Collapse Interconnec- tions," by K.C. Norris and AH Landzberg, IBM Jour- nal of Research and Development, Volume 13, Num- ber 3. Thomas Sanders, engineer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Seth Gordon, engineer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Reza Ghaffarian, principal engineer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

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