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AUGUST 2024 I DESIGN007 MAGAZINE 25 maximise the use of standard panel size. While panelisation soware helps with optimisa- tion, the designer can make life easier for the fabricator by considering the panel size when designing the entire system. It is also worth noting that PCB fabricators have made large strides in optimising panel use and being able to fabricate closer to panel edges. Simulate Where You Can Simulation reduces the number of prototype turns and simulates how a design may respond to normal component variation in production. Monte Carlo simulations for elec- tronics design allow you to see how much variation to expect over typical production runs. Monte Carlo tools add a dose of realism to the engineer- ing process, as it's easy to be seduced by the multi-digit precision of modeling tools and circuit simulators. Tools with the ability to run simulations with expected para- metric variations add confidence to the design process and give the designer more confidence in the finished yield, reducing the need to run extensive and expensive physical prototype turns. Figure 3: Six up. Panelisation easy with simple shapes, but for more complex outlines, panelisation software tools can increase the board yield per square foot of material. Figure 2: A single PCB.

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