PCB007 Magazine


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22 PCB007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 designs with tighter pitches where pinpoint accuracy is required. Our modified hybrid flute design applied with our proprietary carbon-based coating results in outstanding rigidity. e height- ened rigidity prevents deflection/drill wander, which allows for increased positional accuracy. is becomes more critical as diameters get smaller and panels get thicker. Another benefit is the increased durability, translating to prac- tically eliminating the possibility of drill bit breakage. ese benefits are key to keeping up with the industry demand. For example, we are seeing panels that are up to a quarter-inch thick with through-hole diameters as small as 5 mils. We wouldn't even dream about processing that kind of build using standard tools. Based on older, standard drill bit technol- ogy, what is the degree of accuracy with this coated drill bit? Based on a recent study we performed, it can be 50–75% more accurate. That is significant. Yes, but it is not just the coated drills alone; it combines many factors. For the fabri- cator, their process needs to be dialed in. Significant factors include the feed and speed parameters, entry material, and the drill machine itself. at's where I work with customers on the floor, auditing their process, and running verification tests to implement process improvements. at's my main function and, frankly, what I enjoy doing the most. I also like to encourage and assist with implementing parameter automation through the use of soware tools that have become a mainstay in most drill rooms. Once we prove out parameter changes via testing, I strive to ensure that our custom- ers are using the soware tools to their full potential. en you can put the process on autopilot, and when issues do occur, application engineer. My primary responsibil- ity is to work with our customers' shops and optimize their drill/rout processes for multi- ple PCB build types, with the goal of enabling them to tackle high technology builds using our tools. Drilling and drill bit technology have undergone tremendous development. What do you provide, and why is coating technology important? Within the past 10 years, there has been a near-universal switch throughout the industry to a "single flute hybrid" design. e drill starts as a two-flute and transi- tions to a single-flute. is design has pro- vided improved rigidity, accuracy, and strength when compared to a traditional two-flute drill bit. ese tools have been adopted as the standard by most of our customers. Recently, we have seen more shops adopt our patented coated tool technol- ogy, Carbonite. is has been primar- ily driven by the increasing complexity of board types, higher aspect ratios, and Alex Girardot

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