PCB007 Magazine


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30 PCB007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 Marcy LaRont: Mike, IPS's wet process lines contain cutting-edge technology for better control to address higher technologies. What can you tell us about chemical dosing? Mike Brask: To have good process control and repeatability part to part, you must start reduc- ing variables in the manufacturing equation. Some of the easiest to eliminate are the vari- ations in the chemical compositions in your baths. Metering and measurement systems allow you to dose chemicals so that the process maintains optimum levels for more reliable and consistent quality. Significant safety ben- efits are introduced by automating chemical Shifting to Automated Chemical Dosing for Enhanced Control and Safety Feature Interview by Marcy LaRont I-CONNECT007 Mike Brask of IPS explores the shi toward automated chemical dosing in wet process lines for enhanced control, safety, and product reli- ability. Mike emphasizes that automating chem- ical dosing reduces variability, ensuring consis- tent quality and safer working conditions. He notes past reliance on manual labor and high- lights current challenges, including space lim- itations and regulatory hurdles He also under- scores the importance of process control and environmental considerations in adapting to automation, which is essential for meeting the demanding standards of semiconductor and substrate technology manufacturing.

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