PCB007 Magazine


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44 PCB007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 My three favorite sensors for wet process control are process concentrations with spe- cific gravity, plating replenishment based on ampere-hours, and active concentrations with color indicators. To start enrolling in wet pro- cess control 1 , I advise doing a process audit (Table 1) with a real time analyzer, which is a conductivity probe and a thermometer. You can also add a hydrometer, a multimeter, and a color analyzer. Three Simple Ways to Manage and Control Wet Processes General Concentrations of Additives to a Wet Process (Specific Gravity) e real-time analyzer is an important but somewhat complicated instrument. I find it useful to start with a simple hydrometer bor- rowed from the chem lab (or purchased for $24), as shown in Figure 1. In the process audit, as you go through your wet processes, use the hydrometer and ther- mometer to measure the specific gravity and Happy's Tech Talk #32 Feature Column by Happy Holden, I-CONNECT007 Figure 1: Real time measurement of chemical concentrations by using a simple hydrometer. Hydrometers are inexpensive and easy to procure. This image shows the various hydrometers that can be purchased with a range of 0.600–2.00 in divisions as little as 0.0005 units.

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