PCB007 Magazine


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60 PCB007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 Feature Article by Randy Cherry IPC A formal audit always seems difficult to jus- tify. Companies do not want the expense, and employees do not want the hassle. ere is always a chance of failure, and management struggles to understand the benefits. If you or your company has had issues with auditing, hopefully, this article will help you feel a little more comfortable about the auditing process. First, let's discuss the internal process audit, which can help you avoid or eliminate many costly manufacturing problems, reduce scrap, increase yields, and directly improve your bot- tom line. Process auditing can be simple and easy to maintain if you create a repeatable, impartial auditing process. Start with a Process Verifi- cation or Surveillance process audit. Create a basic yes/no checklist that covers each key manufacturing process within your facility. Another idea is to design a checklist covering all manufacturing processes from receiving to shipping and everything in between. e Process Verification or Surveillance pro- cess audit is designed to be high-level. Unlike with a formal audit, objective evidence is not required. You are simply looking for gaps in the Audits: A Critical Element of Process Control

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