PCB007 Magazine


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84 PCB007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 Interview by Dan Beaulieu D.B. MANAGEMENT GROUP When I heard that my friends at American Standard Circuits had hired a new, fresh-out- of-college process engineer, I was anxious to meet him. Now you get a rare perspective of a young man new to our industry. Dan Beaulieu: Kevin, tell me about your journey to America Standard, and what is your position now with ASC? Kevin Dial: I joined ASC as a wet process engi- neer in the summer of 2022 aer graduating from the University of Iowa. It's hard to believe two years flew by that quickly, but here we are. You're becoming a veteran by now. What are your daily responsibilities? My biggest focus is on circuit formation steps, including imaging, via plating, and etching. en, I monitor results through AOI and ET. It is a wide-ranging mandate where I can design controls for critical processes and investi- gate fascinating chemistry. e process engi- neering team is also putting a lot of effort into refining our registration control scheme from post-etch punch to primary drill tooling. Our exotic material sets oen demand that we dig deep into the first principles of a challenge and deploy engineering tools in thoughtful, unique ways. e job generally boils down to constructing flexible, resource-efficient pro- cesses that execute our diverse, high-technol- ogy product mix. What is your background? I am a trained chemical engineer with a minor in business administration. e curriculum bal- anced my interests in industrial process design, undergraduate electrochemical research, and the fundamentals of business organizations.

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