PCB007 Magazine


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www.atotech.com High quality original parts and services for PCB manufacturing equipment At MKS' Atotech we are commi ed to customer sa sfac on, from the ini al interest in our technology and products to installa on and a er sales. We are dedicated to delivering high-performance products and manufacturing processes, and our commitment to quality and reliability in every com- ponent ensures that we deliver leading-edge technology and world-class system solu ons that will stand the test of me. Commitment to quality and reliability With more than 1,100 produc on lines in opera on world- wide, we have perfected our produc on systems, spare parts, and service offerings. Our equipment product lines, including Uniplate ® , Horizon ® , DynaPlus ® , DynaChrome ® , P/ LB-Line ® G-Plate ® , and vPlate ® , all feature original equipment parts. These parts are manufactured to uncompromising quality standards, material proper es, and safety. Customers benefit from reliable process performance, systems parts, fast delivery, seamless installa on, and safe regula ons. Key components of maintenance Regular and accurate maintenance is a cornerstone of our customer service. This cyclical process is cri cal to ensuring op mal performance and longevity of our customers' PCB manufacturing equipment. Our focus is to ensure that the machines perform their required func ons reliably, minimiz- ing down me and associated costs. Our full-service maintenance portfolio includes · Inspec ons: Designed to iden fy poten al problems before they escalate, inspec ons include rou ne checks and periodic reviews to ensure safe opera on without the need for repairs or replacement parts. Inspec ons verify the func onality and safety of all components and include visual inspec ons, wear checks, and corrosion tes ng performed periodically by qualified staff. · Preven veMaintenance: Preven ve maintenance reduces the risk of unexpected failure by delaying or preven ng wear and tear. Based on previous inspec ons, preven ve maintenance includes ac vi es such as cleaning, adjust- ment, lubrica on, and replacement of worn parts. This helps to extend the life of the equipment and ensure opera onal reliability. Documenta on of these ac ons in a maintenance log is cri cal for warranty coverage and resale value. · Correc vemaintenance: Correc ve maintenance ad- dresses unexpected breakdowns and technical defects, resolving problems quickly to minimize disrup on. It includes unplanned repairs, troubleshoo ng, and replacing defec ve parts. At MKS' Atotech, we guarantee an imme- diate response to any damage to restore operability and func onal reliability. Regular maintenance ensures that equipment operates efficiently. It also reduces the risk of wear-related problems such as fric on, corrosion, and fa gue. This holis c approach to maintenance helps to maintain equipment func onality, improve safety, and comply with industry standards. Ensuring safe operation For effec ve maintenance, we ensure that opera ons and maintenance personnel are fully aware of the poten al risks associated with electrical systems and that these systems comply with installa on and opera on standards. Key take away To maintain machine func onality, minimize down me and reduce opera ng costs in the PCB manufacturing industry, a sound maintenance strategy as defined by DIN 31051 is essen al. Manufacturers can achieve op mal machine performance, extend equipment life, and ensure safety and compliance with industry standards through a structured maintenance process that includes inspec on, preven ve maintenance, and correc ve maintenance. At MKS' Atotech, we help our customers achieve exactly that and improve their manufacturing processes, performance, and lifecycle management through our strong commitment to quality and reliable spare parts and services. MichaelLübber Global Business Manager A er Sales Atotech Germany GmbH & Co. KG +49 9128 72 55 80 michael.luebber@atotech.com

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