PCB007 Magazine


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86 PCB007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 My undergraduate thesis project was a mod- ular gas-to-liquids hydrocarbon synthesis unit that could be transported between decommis- sioned oil wells to capture methane into use- ful products. It won a national student team design competition, one of my proudest pro- fessional achievements. What drew you to ASC? As a problem solver, growth only happens outside one's comfort zone. ree years ago, I couldn't pick a PCB out of a police lineup, but I was intrigued by all the unfamiliar chem- ical processes. I figured I could use my back- ground in electroplating as a launch point into the electro-, photo-, and thermal chemistry I didn't know. I also saw a tight-knit, experi- enced engineering team that could support my inquiries. e first couple of months were like drinking out a firehose and probably the most educational experience of my life. Were you drawn at all by the technology? Yes, 100%. Learning PCBs was one thing, but learning our technology set is entirely differ- ent. Understanding the unique challenges of running such a diverse set of thermal manage- ment solutions, RF/microwave designs, mixed- material builds, embedded passive compo- nents, and HDI features is a continuous process that keeps me excited to come to work every day. Every panel is an engineering marvel. What do you like best about working at ASC? We have very knowledgeable process and CAM engineering teams, and it's easy to learn when I can sit back and listen to professionals discuss what they've seen in the past, which might help resolve a current issue. A smaller team also encourages everybody to stay approachable with questions. ere's no expectation that I know everything because everybody knows that's impossible in this business. What do you like about the industry? It's an adrenaline roller coaster where every day there are new problems to solve and new ideas to explore, especially in the technology landscape where ASC resides. Today I can work on advanced planning of a new proto- type part, jump to deionized water reclama- tion or advanced materials lamination, and then walk away with more questions to inves- tigate tomorrow. at's not even considering the puzzles that come out of le field and land squarely on my desk. ere's always something new to learn in a PCB shop, which is very excit- ing for a young engineer. Did you know much about PCBs before joining the company? Virtually nothing. Electronics were a "black box" in school, and I didn't even take a cir- cuit fundamentals course. PCB fabrication was an opportunity to open the box from a point of knowledge in my degreed field. I think the approach has worked so far. Topics such as con- trolled impedance and solderability are much more engaging now that I understand their asso- ciated process parameters in my areas of focus. What matters to you about this work? e first thing that comes to mind is that I get challenged daily. I like to say that busy beats " ere's always something new to learn in a PCB shop, which is very exciting for a young engineer. "

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