PCB007 Magazine


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44 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 tory, and manage spare parts inventory, ulti- mately reducing downtime and improving operational efficiency. Managers need comprehensive yet accessi- ble dashboards to oversee operations, track key performance indicators, and make informed strategic decisions. Intuitive interfaces enable managers to quickly interpret complex data, generate reports, and communicate insights across teams, fostering a data-driven culture and ensuring alignment with organizational goals. By catering to the specific needs of these diverse roles, industrial digital solutions can significantly enhance overall productivity, responsiveness, and decision-making across the manufacturing organization. Future Trends Continuous improvements in AI and ML technologies will enhance traceability sys- tems, offering deeper insights and more accu- rate predictions. e growth of IIoT will lead to extended interconnectivity between devices and tools, facilitating holistic optimizations. Future developments will specifically prior- itize sustainability, with energy-efficient tech- nologies and environmentally friendly prac- tices becoming integral to manufacturing pro- cesses, aiming more and more toward self- learning and auto-optimizing systems both in the B2C and B2B sectors. MKS' Atotech Digital Factory Suite (DFS) is a comprehensive soware platform that sits next to the equipment control and visualiza- tion soware platform and combines remote service, system integration, IIoT, and edge computing. DFS digitalizes factory operations, encompassing production, maintenance, con- trol, and visualization. It addresses key indus- trial challenges, including operational and pro- duction efficiency, unplanned downtime, qual- ity control, environmental sustainability, and more. By providing real-time data and predictive insights, DFS helps optimize operations and equipment performance, ultimately increasing productivity and reducing maintenance costs. It comprises various features, including con- dition monitoring, energy monitoring, energy consumption optimization, traceability, and remote service capabilities. With ambitious global targets to reduce the CO 2 footprint of the printed circuit board (pcb) industry over the next few years, and electroplating accounting for 16% of the total energy used in pcb manufacturing, optimizing energy consumption is becoming increasingly important. e data provided by energy moni- toring is essential for identifying inefficiencies and developing strategies to optimize energy use, leading to cost savings and reduced envi- ronmental impact. Energy savings strategies involve intelligent control of high-energy-con- suming equipment and proactive energy con- sumption monitoring. e system also allows for reporting, forecasting, and long-term energy-saving strategies, ensuring continu- ous improvement and sustainable energy prac- tices. PCB007 Mikalai Kuchuk is head of Software Products and UX at MKS' Atotech and part of a team that drives innovation for operational excellence and sustainability.

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