PCB007 Magazine


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66 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 in, they follow with the funds we need to sus- tain these industries. is is exactly why we are pursuing legislative and policy actions to do for PCBs and substrates what was done for semi- conductors. 2. Supply Chain Challenges Are Not a Thing of the Past e COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that global supply chains can be risky and brittle when challenged. We may have emerged from global COVID lockdowns, but col- lapsed br idges, ma r i t i m e It's hard to believe, but there was a time when words like "reshoring," "industrial policy," and "semiconductors" were not part of our national policy discussion. is month, as we mark the two-year anniversary of the CHIPS and Science Act, it's worth reflecting on what has been accomplished and what remains to be done. In the past 24 months, America has seen a flurry of industrial activity, with billions of dollars flowing into new factories, cutting- edge research, and the promise of high-paying jobs. e promised resurgence in American man- ufacturing has not been without difficulty. Here are a few lessons learned that business leaders should understand. 1. Private Money Follows Public Action Government action drives private investment, and that is exactly what we've seen with the CHIPS Act. e $52 billion committed by the government was matched by over $400 billion in private commit- ments. No signal is stronger than the support of Uncle Sam, and when Wall Street sees the U.S. go all- Let's Finish the Fight to Build and Buy American American Made Advocacy by Shane Whiteside, PCBAA

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