PCB007 Magazine


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70 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 Marcy LaRont: Tony, what led to the decision to build a new facility? Tony Faraci: Over the past few years, we have been fortunate to see an increase in our sales. In the meantime, we've developed new prod- uct lines, and the machines have gotten big- ger. Our original shop had serious space con- straints, and I'd been looking to expand for a few years. We finally found the right facility, allowing us to double our space and set it up for the best possible workflow. As a result, we are significantly more efficient. For instance, we have implemented better barcoding and traceability. When we get an order for a machine, for example, our engi- Inside the New Facility at DIS Interview by Marcy LaRont I-CONNECT007 DIS has long been known as an equipment builder dedicated to PCB and assembly regis- tration. Amidst a backdrop of increasing sales and expanding product lines, DIS has inaugu- rated a new facility and doubled its previous footprint. is move was aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and addressing space constraints that had plagued them for years, as well as allowing for the opportunity to expand their technology offering for their custom- ers. In this candid conversation, Tony Faraci, owner and president of DIS, and Jesse Ziomek, DIS global sales director, delve into recent stra- tegic advancements propelling the company forward.

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