PCB007 Magazine


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8 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 Marcy's Musings by Marcy LaRont, I-CONNECT007 Charting the Future I'm sure we all remember the days when driving somewhere new meant pulling out our handy atlas, or writing down all the specific instructions on how to get there before we le on our trips. Now, modern navigation systems are so sophisticated that they talk you through the process, reroute when you make a wrong turn, and tell you exactly what time you'll arrive. One of the most beneficial aspects of these maps is hearing your next required move before you get there so you don't miss a turn or go in the wrong direction. Wouldn't it be nice if our technology roadmaps did the same, helping prevent missteps and avoid hazards? But deciding where to go and how to get there is completely in our own hands, as is ensuring we actually take the twists and turns we have so carefully laid out in our roadmaps. erein, I believe, lies the biggest challenge of all. I recently listened to Only the Paranoid Survive: How to Exploit the Crisis Points at Challenge Every Company and Career, the 1998 book by Andy Grove, former CEO of Intel. A lot has changed since 1998, and at times his book felt a bit antiquated (given that he was predicting the meteoric rise of the internet, for example). But his concepts and insights are still extremely relevant, and it was fascinating to reflect on how his vision has unfolded over the past 26 years. Grove discusses strategic inflection points: moments of crisis that bring 10x change to a company or organization. ey require open- mindedness, candid discussion and debate, and ultimately, clear strategic direction and implementation. His examples include the tec- tonic shi that occurred in the shipping indus- try when large shipping containers were intro- duced, as well as the thoughtful and deliber- ate way that Hewlett-Packard managed its epic business decision to incorporate Intel chips into its computers rather than continue to use their own. Grove's premise about strategic inflection points aligns with my belief that the

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