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64 SMT007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 Overcoming the Hesitation: Investing in the Future Despite the clear advantages, many manufac- turers hesitate to invest in materials automa- tion. is reluctance may stem from concerns about the initial cost, perceived complexity, or a lack of immediate visibility into the bene- fits. However, these challenges are increasingly surmountable with advancements in technol- ogy and a growing body of evidence demon- strating a rapid return on investment. e initial capital expenditure for auto- mated materials storage systems can be sub- stantial, but it should be viewed as a strategic investment rather than just another expense. e long-term benefits, including reduced labor costs, enhanced efficiency, and improved inventory management, quickly outweigh the initial investment cost. Additionally, advance- ments in technology have made these systems more accessible, with options available to suit various budgets and facility sizes. Integrating materials automation with exist- ing production systems offers a complete approach to operational efficiency. By aligning materials handling with automated production processes, manufacturers can achieve seamless integration and maximize the benefits of both areas. Conclusion While the automation of production pro- cesses in electronics manufacturing has right- fully garnered attention, the automation of materials storage and handling remains an under-explored yet essential investment. Investing in automated materials storage sys- tems enhances efficiency, accuracy, and vis- ibility all while optimizing space and reduc- ing costs. Embracing materials automation is not just a prudent investment but a necessary step toward achieving sustained success in a dynamic industry. SMT007 Josh Casper is regional sales manager for the West Region at Horizon Sales. A research team from Skoltech and Bergische Universität Wuppertal in Germany has created a universal NOR logical element. It is based on polari- ton condensates, operates at room temperature, has multiple inputs, can work hundreds of times faster than electronic ana- logues, and is also completely optical— that is, it works without electric current. Importantly, such logic elements can be reproduced and connected on a cir- cuit, that is, cascaded. "To create a universal gate, we used the special properties of 'liquid light' capable of amplifying weak optical sig- nals tens of thousands of times. To cre- ate such 'liquid light', we need to con- dense the polaritons into the ground state. If we draw a parallel, it resembles water vapor in the air, that turns into the water droplets on a cold win- dow. We went further and learned how to con- dense polaritons not only into the ground state, but also into a non- ground state at higher energy. This effect has allowed for solving the long- standing problem of all-optical, logical elements which consists in disabling the optical signal with the help of light, switching a logical unit to zero," stated Denis Sannikov, the deputy head of the Hybrid Photonics Laboratory at Skoltech Photonics. (Source: Skoltech) A Step Closer to Optical Computers: All Optical Universal Gate Developed

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