PCB007 Magazine


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OCTOBER 2024 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 71 • Unclear who is working on the resolution • Failure to segregate suspect material • Poor verification of root cause or solution • No schedule to track deliverables for verification • No leverage of knowledge; defects discovered on similar products Design of Experiments ere is oen some urgency to find and resolve the issue, and the sourcing team should be wary of quick solutions proposed by the sup- plier without thorough analysis. e supplier may propose additional testing and inspection on their side to check for defects and prevent future escapes, but the sourcing team should push for permanent process changes to pre- vent defects from occurring in the first place. Finally, the corrective action request should not be considered closed until improvement has actually been measured and noted by the customer. A corrective action plan is not the same thing as the successful implementation of that plan. Failure to promptly or successfully resolve an issue is a serious matter that could jeopar- dize the relationship between a supplier and a customer, particularly for repeat occur- Figure 2: Kepner-Tregoe problem-solving process and action sequence 1 .

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