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NOVEMBER 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 17 more important to drive the data collection, the CFX, the MES integration, and the dig- italization projects because now we can have an AI agent automate decision-making on the factory floor. So, it's not the rise of data, but the death of the dashboard? Burke: Exactly. Customers tell us dashboards are where data goes to die. ey say, "I've got so many dashboards. If you're telling me to get another dashboard, forget it. I've already got 50. First, you're telling me that's the one that will make things better? I guarantee you it won't." But it's interesting. Technically, it's not that the dashboard has died, it's that the dashboard is not for a person anymore. It's for an AI agent to consume. You still need the dashboard, you just don't need someone looking at it. Imagine the thought process that went into making a really well-built dashboard. I'm visu- ally indicating where a problem lies, orga- nizing data in a certain way that indicates my intent, tracking what I'm tracking, and break- ing down the things I'm tracking. Here's how I'm expecting you to hierarchically navigate through a large data set and find a root cause when that cause could be one of many poten- tial root causes. Ultimately, what decision are they trying to make and what's the right way to organize data together in support of that decision? AI agents don't obviously need to do all that data presen- tation work. ey still require that preparation work, but just give them a database. Give them the dashboard. ey're actually much better at identifying the dashboard patterns because they're picking up on the clues that the person was supposed to pick up on but didn't. ey're drilling down the same way a person would. Your investments in dashboards aren't sud- denly obsolete; they have the wrong audience. e second AI use case we're seeing is to take all the dashboards that you currently have—hopefully, they're well designed—put an AI agent on top of them, and then ask the agent what it sees in the dashboard data. Give it

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