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30 SMT007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2024 Interview by Nolan Johnson I-CONNECT007 Making the world a better place isn't just a snappy slogan to put on their marketing col- lateral for Southern California-based distribu- tor Stellar Technical Products. CEO Mike Min wants partners looking to optimize their bot- tom line, increase their resilience, and cre- ate a more sustainable planet. It's the mission statement for the company, and Mike is work- ing diligently to take that message forward. In this interview he shares the qualities that make Stellar Technical unique. Nolan Johnson: Mike, tell me about Stellar Technical Products. Working on a Personal Level at Stellar Technical Products Mike Min: e company was started 33 years ago by Alan Sherry. We're a distributor of some durable products, but mostly consumables for OEM and MRO in the electronics industry, as well as automotive, aerospace, and industrial, such as roofing and construction. What's your background and how long have you been leading Stellar? I served in the military and then spent 25 years in technology. I joined Stellar about a year ago. It was very apparent that for the past 30 years, Stellar Technical Products was primarily a spe- cialized distributor, with a focus on a kind of Joslyn Barnes Account Manager

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