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30 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2024 Yes, I think so. Registration is open. Anyone who intends to participate should register now because space is limited. Tell us about the expo portion of the show. We have about 20 tabletops available. As of late October, some of them had already been reserved, but we plan to sell those 20. Two sponsorship programs are available: one for the tabletop exhibits and one for additional spon- sorships, as described on our website, I noticed a lot of AI content at the conference. Is that the theme for the show? I would say that AI is the trend. e EDA industry is massively going in that direction. I think we'll have a broad look into different AI applications. From design soware through manufacturing applications, AI is being used to improve results. Do you see this show becoming an annual event? Let's see how the first show goes. Of course, we would like to repeat this show. There are certainly worse places to hold a conference than Vienna. It's a great location. Vienna is a beautiful place. at's one reason why we have located the show there. Another reason is that it's located between Western Europe and Eastern Europe, and we want to grow as one Europe. It sounds like there was a real need for this show. Good luck with the conference, Peter. ank you, Andy. DESIGN007 Register now for the Pan-European Electronics Design Conference, Jan. 29-30, 2025, in Vienna, Austria. For more information, click here. A group of researchers from Skoltech, Tomsk Polytechnic University, and other academic orga- nizations in Russia and China used the method of plasma dynamic synthesis to obtain a high-entropy carbide in the form of nanopowders. The new tech- nology provides a simple and universal way to pro- duce high-entropy materials that are used in pro- tective coatings, nuclear power, lithium-ion batter- ies, catalysts, and microelectronics. The results are published in the Journal of Alloys and Compounds. The composition of high-entropy compounds includes four or more different elements—in this case, metals and carbon. In the paper, scientists used a new technology and synthesized carbide from titanium, zirconium, niobium, hafnium, and tan- talum (TiZrNbHfTaС5), as well as carbonitride from these components. The authors point out that the substance is one of the most suitable materials for manufacturing ultra-high-temperature ceramic ele- ments due to its high mechanical properties and temperature stability. However, the synthesis of car- bide is difficult: It requires careful preparation of the feedstock, and it is carried out at ultrahigh tempera- tures—about 2200-2300°C—for a long time. "Multicomponent and high-entropy materials have been studied since recent times. We modeled vari- ous structures of carbonitrides with different con- centrations of nitrogen and carbon and studied ther- modynamic stability at different temperatures. We found out that a large amount of nitrogen can lead to strong mechanical stresses of the lattice, which will negatively affect the stability of the material," said the study supervisor, Professor Alexander Kvashnin from the Skoltech Energy Transition Center. (Source: Skoltech) New Research Used Plasma Dynamic Synthesis to Produce Carbide and Carbonitride

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