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32 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2024 Every so oen, I'm disappointed by a high expectation that didn't work out. Some of these disappointments in the PCB design and manufacturing industry have been related to "new and advanced" PCB design products or services which proved to be impracticable for too many PCB designers (including me). Oen, my unmet expectations have involved automated or next-generation PCB layout soware products that show well within the confines of a canned trade show presentation but fail miserably when applied in a real-life design. Over the years, I've been awed by "dis- ruptive" technologies, products, or services only to realize I'd been reeled in by a slick, hyped-up sales and marketing presentation. I would find that the advanced technology was still in a development phase or so specialized that it was hardly executable within the scale of my workflow, and the sales team dropped me like a hot potato once they realized my produc- tion budget didn't exist above the stratosphere. Understanding Marketing Hype However, just because a technology is advanced doesn't mean it is right for your project. How many electronics engineers found this out aer the 01005 chips came out? "Wow, smaller must be better," they said. Yet some eagerly placed them in strategic areas of their layouts only to find very few suppliers with assembly equip- ment capable of placing or inspecting them. Advanced Packaging Technologies: Look Before You Leap Target Condition Feature Column by Kelly Dack, CIT, CID+

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