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48 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2024 In the previous episode of I-Connect007's On the Line with… podcast, we discussed the strip, etch, and strip process. At this point, we have a functioning board, but we still need to protect the PCB from environmental effects and document the circuit components. is brings us to the solder mask and legend phase of production. Before the process begins, we must inspect the boards to ensure that the plating and etch- ing process is effective and the PCB meets cus- tomer functionality requirements. We have two inspection methods: visual and automated optical inspection (AOI). A visual inspection under magnification by an inspector is adequate for simpler designs. Inspectors examine the board components for various issues, such as ragged traces or copper where it does not belong, and reject those that do not pass the test. For more complex boards or where a customer requests higher than Class 2 IPC-A-600 inspection, we use an AOI process that performs a near pixel-to-pixel comparison between the physical board and the original design data. Pro Tips for a More Effective Board Inspection Designers can help the inspection process run more smoothly and effectively by provid- ing their manufacturers with clean data files. e size of the files and the memory required can affect the speed and accuracy of the AOI process, so it is important not to overload the design file with unnecessary data. Designing for Reality: Solder Mask and Legend Connect the Dots by Matt Stevenson, ASC SUNSTONE CIRCUITS

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