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DECEMBER 2024 I DESIGN007 MAGAZINE 73 A D V E R T I S E R I N D E X MANAGING EDITOR: ANDY SHAUGHNESSY 770-315-9901; TECHNICAL EDITOR: PETE STARKEY +44 (0) 1455 293333; EDITOR | COLUMNIST COORDINATOR: MICHELLE TE CONTRIBUTING TECHNICAL EDITOR: DAN FEINBERG CONTRIBUTING TECHNICAL EDITOR: HAPPY HOLDEN (616) 741-9213; BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER: BARB HOCKADAY (916) 365-1727; MARKETING SERVICES: TOBEY MARSICOVETERE (916) 266-9160; DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGER: BRITTANY MARTIN ART DIRECTOR/PRODUCTION MGR. SHELLY STEIN MAGAZINE LAYOUT: MARIEL EVANS, RON MEOGROSSI AD DESIGN: SHELLY STEIN, MIKE RADOGNA, TOBEY MARSICOVETERE TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST: BRYSON MATTIES COVER DESIGN: SHELLY STEIN COVER IMAGE: ADOBE STOCK © VIKTOR DESIGN007 MAGAZINE ® is published by IPC Publishing Group, Inc. 3000 Lakeside Dr., Suite 105N, Bannockburn, IL 60015 © 2024 IPC Publishing Group, Inc. does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any person for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in the material contained within this publication, regardless of whether such errors or omissions are caused accidentally, from negligence or any other cause. December 2024, Volume 13, Number 12 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE is published monthly by IPC Publishing Group, Inc., dba I-Connect007 Accurate Circuit Engineering .......................33 All Flex Solutions........................................15 Alpha Circuit ..............................................5 ASC Sunstone ........................................... 59 Schmoll America ....................................... 49 Candor Industries......................................21 CEE PCB ...................................................11 Downstream Technologies .....................35, 61 Elite Materials...........................................41 EMA Design Automation ..............................13 Flexible Circuit Technologies ........................19 I-007 eBooks .............................................2 In-Circuit Design Pty Ltd..............................31 IPC Community.........................................25 IPC .........................................................71 NCAB Group ........................................ 27, 29 On the Line With... ......................................3 Polar Instruments ..................................... 53 Prototron Circuits ..................................... 39 Taiyo America .......................................... 55 US Circuit ................................................ 45 Ventec International Group ........................... 7

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