PCB007 Magazine


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32 PCB007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2024 At the end of the year, it's good to celebrate success, identify room for improvement, and plan carefully for the changes the new year will bring. is was a great year for the ongoing advo- cacy efforts for the PCB industry. Our numbers tell the story. PCBAA membership topped 65, we have more than 5,000 followers on social media, generated 450 social media posts, had more than 50 Capitol Hill meetings with mem- bers and staff, influenced PCB legislation, held our largest annual meeting to date, placed 12 opinion editorials in major publications across the country, and participated in four industry trade shows. Another reason we had a good year was our partnership with members and partner orga- nizations like IPC and other interested groups who have helped us spread the word that exist- ing legislation and policies don't support our industry. Aer our productive year, it's important to position our industry for the changes to come. We expect that a new administration and majorities in the House and Senate will require a new approach to industrial policy. I'm optimistic that there will be a continu- ing bipartisan consensus supporting Ameri- can manufacturing and a secure and resilient supply chain. Success in Washington Requires Patience, Persistence, and Sustained Focus American Made Advocacy by Shane Whiteside, PCBAA

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