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36 PCB007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2024 Editor's note: is is the second of a two-part series. Part one established what China Plus One entails and the driving influences. In this article, we consider the industrial regions benefiting from investment outside China, and what all this might mean to manu- facturers and their customers. Global PCB Production 2023 According to Prismark, more than half of the world's $70 billion printed circuit boards were manufactured in China in 2023 (Figure 1). When you add Taiwan-headquartered com- panies to the huge manufacturing capacities in Mainland China, two-thirds of all PCBs are manufactured in greater China. Does China Plus One Really Make a Difference? In Figure 1, the chart showing "rest of world" (ROW) refers mainly to Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, ailand, Vietnam), and others, including India, etc. is graph also clearly shows that the U.S. and Europe manufacture just 7.1% of the world's PCBs. In the U.S., efforts are underway to bring back at least some of the "lost" PCB manufac- turing capacities. However, it will take huge capital investments, trained PCB manufac- turing engineers, and the goodwill of end users to pay higher prices than can be sourced from China. For the 27 EU member states, the depen- dence on Chinese-manufactured PCBs is 65% of the EU's total requirement—which increases to 75% when PCBs manufactured in Taiwan Figure 1: 2023 PCB manufacturing geographies. (Source: Prismark) Article by Manfred Huschka MANFRED HUSCHKA MANAGEMENT CONSULTING (SHENZEN) LTD.

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