PCB007 Magazine


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50 PCB007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2024 Highlighting Gene Weiner Article by Dan Feinberg, I-CONNECT007 Editor's note: Dan Feinberg continues his series on the IPC Hall of Fame, spotlighting the achievements of past Hall of Fame members. Over the years, IPC members who have contrib- uted significantly to IPC and our industry have been awarded with the IPC Raymond E. Pritchard Hall of Fame Award. ough many early HOF members have passed away and are unknown to today's IPC membership, their contributions still resonate. Over the coming months, I look forward to researching and reporting on IPC Hall of Fame mem- bers and their contributions. is month, I highlight Gene Weiner. Gene Weiner is another long- standing member of IPC and an esteemed member of the IPC Hall of Fame. I first worked for Gene when he was the vice pres- ident of marketing and sales at Dynachem. Years later, I became president of Dynachem and Gene worked for us as a consultant. Since then, we have worked together on numerous projects over many decades. As a member of IPC since 1962, a com- plete history of Gene's efforts and accom- plishments over the past 70 years would require writing a full book. So, here I will name just a few of his many contributions to IPC and the greater industry. Gene served on IPC's first PCB Multi- layer Committee as vice chair of the Auto- matic Inspection Technology Committee.

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