PCB007 Magazine


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60 PCB007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2024 An Update on USPAE's Strategic Initiatives u James Will became executive director of the U.S. Partnership for Assured Electronics (USPAE) in May and now provides this update on the group's strategic initiatives. e organization, which is affiliated with IPC, recently transitioned to being a 501(c)(3). It is navigating through a dynamic landscape, working to enhance our microelec- tronics manufacturing capabilities including PCBs, and adapt to emerging technology trends and market challenges. Biden-Harris Administration Announces CHIPS Incentives Awards with BAE Systems, Rocket Lab u e Biden-Harris Administration announced that the U.S. Department of Commerce has finalized two separate awards under the CHIPS Incentives Program's Funding Opportunity for Commercial Fabrication Facilities. e Depart- ment awarded BAE Systems Electronic Sys- tems, a business unit of BAE Systems, Inc., up to $35.5 million in direct funding, and awarded Rocket Lab, the parent company of space power provider SolAero Technologies Corp., up to $23.9 million in direct funding. Deutsche Aircraft Selects Honeywell to Provide High Frequency Radio System for the D328eco u Honeywell has been selected by Deutsche Air- cra, a German aircra manufacturer, to sup- ply its Primus HF-1050 high-frequency (HF) radio system for the recently debuted 40-seater D328eco turboprop. e HF-1050 is designed to deliver global voice communications, lever- aging its unique features to enhance reliability and performance for operators worldwide. Airbus to Provide UK Ministry of Defence with Next-generation Satellite Modems for Skynet MILSATCOM u Airbus has signed a contract with the U.K. Ministry of Defence to provide the next-gen- eration modems for the nation's Skynet satel- lite communications constellation. e new modems are delivered for the Future Pro- tected Modem Type-A project. L3Harris Achieves UK Defence Employer Recognition Award u L3Harris Technologies has achieved Silver Award status in the U.K.'s Defence Employer Recognition Scheme, a coveted acknowledge- ment of the company's commitment to and support for the Armed Forces community, aligned to the values of the country's Armed Forces Covenant. NASA's Europa Clipper: Millions of Miles Down, Instruments Deploying u Headed to Jupiter's moon Europa, the space- cra is operating without a hitch and will reach Mars in just three months for a gravity assist. NASA's Europa Clipper, which launched Oct. 14 on a journey to Jupiter's moon Europa, is already 13 million miles (20 million kilome- ters) from Earth. Romania Becomes the 20th Member of the F-35 Global Alliance u e Government of Romania confirmed its intent to procure 32 Lockheed Martin 5th Gen- eration F-35 Lightning II aircra by signing a Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) through a U.S. government Foreign Military Sale.

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