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8 PCB007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2024 Marcy's Musings by Marcy LaRont, I-CONNECT007 Boosting Your Inner Layer Precision and Production Outcomes If you went to college, it's likely you did so because your parents told you that getting your education would provide a firm foundation to build a successful career. But attending college is not the end-all, be-all of creating a successful career, especially in our industry which offers many great opportunities that do not require that kind of higher education. Of course, you can't argue that education and training provide a solid foundation upon which to build and lead to eventual success in an undertaking. In much the same way, inner layer manu- facturing provides the solid foundation upon which quality printed circuit boards are built. Nothing speaks directly to bottom-line profit- ability more than good yields. As technology advances, the cost of a finished circuit board can get to some very big numbers, so it's crit- ical to build accuracy into your inner layers and assess their pass/fail status as early as pos- sible. us, whether automation cuts down on handling issues, additional in-process testing identifies defects earlier than final test, or you replace an old line with a superior process that improves product quality, increasing the accu- racy in your inner layer production is essen- tial for all PCB fabricators. Not doing so will ensure that, eventually, you will no longer be in this game. In this month's issue of PCB007 Magazine, we take a closer look at building precisions into your inner layers. Tony Faraci, president and owner of equipment maker DIS, discusses the journey of inner layer registration technol- ogy in the industry, having watched it from the early days of pin lamination to today's more automated, pinless solutions. Andrew Kelley of XACT PCB talks about data and an increased