PCB007 Magazine


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84 PCB007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2024 Interview by Marcy LaRont I-CONNECT007 In the dynamic landscape of interconnect solutions, Flexible Circuit Technology (FCT) is making waves through significant leadership changes and expansion initiatives. Vice Presi- dent Carey Burkett, newly appointed execu- tive vice president Ray Cottrell, and market- ing director Abby Meyer share their vision for steering the company toward innovative growth. FCT has a robust focus on diverse mar- kets such as medical, automotive, consumer electronics, and HDI (high density intercon- nect). ey are accelerating FCT's mission to provide exceptional value and service to cus- tomers throughout the product lifecycle. Marcy LaRont: Carey, tell me about FCT and some of the changes taking place. Carey Burkett: We're a global leader and sup- plier of specialty interconnects and value- added services. Our focus is on commercial markets, mainly medical, automotive, EV bat- tery, consumer and industrial telecom, data, and high reliability markets. As a company, we continue to focus on excel- lence, service, and providing value to our cus- tomers. We have expanded and made a lot of changes. Ray Cottrell is our new executive vice president and our new business and growth leader for FCT. Ray will replace me as I tran- sition toward retirement. Along with Troy Koopman, our owner, we are really excited about Ray. He brings excellent industry exper- tise along with an outstanding track record of significantly growing the past organizations he served. Congratulations. That is big news. Ray, would you please introduce yourself? Ray Cottrell: I've only been with FCT for a couple of months, but in the industry for 30 Expansion, Retirement, and New Leadership at FCT

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