PCB007 Magazine


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10 PCB007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2024 Interview by Marcy LaRont I-CONNECT007 In this interview with Anthony (Tony) Far- aci, founder and president of DIS, we delve into enhancing inner layer accuracy and yields, pivotal to boosting profitability in the circuit board industry. Tony has extensive experience in the development of tooling technology over the decades, which ultimately led to his found- ing DIS. From his beginnings at Multiline to tackling the challenges of registration accu- racy, Tony's insights clearly lay out the com- plexities of modern manufacturing and the innovations in shaping the future of inner layer registration. Marcy LaRont: Tony, tell me about your origin story and how you got to where you are today. Revolutionizing Inner Layer Registration Anthony (Tony) Faraci: I studied mechani- cal engineering in college, then soon aer col- lege I started in this business at Multiline Tech- nology, which made registration equipment, punching blocks, and punching machines for the circuit board industry. It was a leader at the time, and to this day you'll hear four-slot tooling referred to as "Multiline tooling," even though there are other manufacturers that make it. I worked at Multiline for about 15 years, first as a service manager, working my way to a technical sales and product manager, where I performed tooling audits at customers' facilities. For tooling audits, I visited customers that were post-etch punching and pin laminating their inner layers and didn't know why they

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