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22 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2025 The Promising Future for CEE PCB in Thailand Feature Interview by Nolan Johnson I-CONNECT007 Tom Yang, CEO of CEE PCB, understands the importance of collaboration between U.S. and Chinese fabricators. He believes that to understand the current political and economic conditions between the two countries, we must maintain a level of international business cooperation. In this interview, we discuss mar- ket conditions under a new U.S. administra- tion, how companies like CEE are responding to potential changes, and CEE's strategic move into ailand. Nolan Johnson: Tom, let's start our discus- sion with market dynamics. What changes in agenda items and priorities do you anticipate with a new U.S. administration? Tom Yang: e entire landscape is changing, similar to the trade war that started in 2018 between the U.S. and China. en, the pan- demic hit, and China's lockdown disrupted the entire supply chain. at's when U.S. custom- ers started adopting the China Plus One strat- egy, looking to mitigate some risks by diver-

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