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28 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2025 My 2025 wish list for the electronics manufac- turing industry is short. In fact, there's only one item on the list: reliable EV charging stations. I love to drive cars, off-road vehicles, and boats. I also fly airplanes, and I'm an unabashed tech geek. From computers to tech gadgets, count me in. Because electric vehicles com- bine my fascination for both propulsion and technology, most of my friends and colleagues are surprised to learn that I do not yet have an electric vehicle. So, what's holding me back? e answer does not lie with the electric vehi- cle itself, but with the current state of public EV charging stations. Like most things in life, challenges and opportunities frequently go together. Fortu- nately, there is a silver lining. Today, there is an unprecedented economic opportunity within the electronics manufacturing industry to fix this problem. Navigating Challenges and Opportunities in the Public EV Charging Industry e electric vehicle (EV) revolution is accel- erating, with global sales surpassing 10 million units in 2023 1 . However, the expansion of pub- lic charging infrastructure has not kept pace, leading to significant challenges in reliabil- My 2025 Industry Wish List The Knowledge Base Feature Column by Mike Konrad, SMTA

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