Lockheed Martin's Newest Technology Demo
for Space Connectivity Ready for Launch u
Lockheed Martin's newest technology dem-
onstration, called the Tactical Satellite (Tac-
Sat), is complete and ready for launch in 2025
aboard a Firefly Aerospace Alpha rocket.
NRL Completes Development of Robotics
Capable of Servicing Satellites u
U.S. Naval Research Laborator y (NRL) Naval
Center for Space Technology (NCST) in part-
nership with Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA) successfully com-
pleted development of a spaceflight qualified
robotics suite capable of ser vicing satellites
in orbit.
Skunk Works Demonstrates Airborne Battle
Management of AI-Controlled Aircraft u
Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, in partnership
with Lockheed Martin's Demonstrations and
Prototypes organization and the University
of Iowa's Operator Performance Laboratory
(OPL), showcased a crewed-uncrewed team-
ing mission where an airborne battle manager
issued real-time commands to AI-controlled
aircra through a touchscreen pilot vehicle
interface (PVI).
Deutsche Aircraft Selects Honeywell to
Provide High Frequency Radio System
for the D328eco u
Honeywell has been selected by Deutsche Air-
cra, a German aircra manufacturer, to sup-
ply its Primus HF-1050 high-frequency (HF)
radio system for the recently debuted 40-seater
D328eco turboprop.
NASA's Europa Clipper: Millions of Miles
Down, Instruments Deploying u
Headed to Jupiter's moon Europa, the space-
cra is operating without a hitch and will reach
Mars in just three months for a gravity assist.
U.S. Navy Awards Comtech $50 Million
SLM-5650B Modem Contract u
e U.S. Navy Information Warfare Systems
Command awarded the Company a sole source
contract for Comtech's U.S sovereign soware-
defined SLM-5650B satellite communications
(SATCOM) modems, upgrade kits, firmware
options and technical support. e contract has a
four-year period of performance and is valued in
excess of $50.0 million. Funded orders received
to date are valued at approximately $2 million.
RTX's Raytheon Awarded U.S. Army Contract
for Wireless Power Beaming Technology u
Raytheonhas been awarded a contract from the
U.S. Army to work on directed energy wireless
power beaming capabilities that will distribute
power across the battlefield, simplify logistics,
and safeguard locations for U.S. troops.
Lockheed Martin and Anduril Join Forces
to Successfully Detect and Track Drone
Threats in Middle East u
Lockheed Martin has successfully integrated
the Q-53 multi-mission radar (MMR) with
Anduril's Lattice Command and Control (C2)
environment during the U.S. Central Com-
mand Desert Guardian exercise held at Fort
Drum earlier this month. Desert Guardian is
part of a set of exercises aimed at filling key gaps
in its ability to detect and track drone threats.