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48 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2025 Article by Dan Beaulieu D.B. MANAGEMENT GROUP Trade shows are the heartbeat of our indus- try. ey bring together suppliers, customers, partners, and competitors all under one roof— a perfect storm of opportunities waiting to be seized. Yet, I've seen far too many people wan- der the floor aimlessly or hide in their booths, squandering the potential of these events. Attending a trade show isn't just about show- ing up—it's about showing up prepared, with purpose, and with a plan to extract maximum value from your time there. Here's how you can make the most of your trade show experience, whether you're attending the technical confer- ence, walking the show floor, or both. Getting the Most from a Trade Show Set Clear Goals Before You Go Before you even book your ticket, ask your- self, "Why am I attending this trade show?" Are you there to network? Scout for new sup- pliers? Learn about cutting-edge technology? Promote your company? e clearer your objectives, the more likely you are to achieve them. If you're attending as part of a company team, sit down together and align your goals. Decide who will focus on what, be it customer meetings, competitor analysis, or attending conference sessions. Going in with a game plan ensures you don't waste time once you're on-site.

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