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54 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2025 Global Citizenship by Tom Yang, CEE PCB Today's businesses operate across borders to shape economies, communities, and the envi- ronment. With this reach comes responsibil- ity. e concept of global citizenship has grown from a philanthropic ideal to a pressing neces- sity, urging businesses to think beyond profits to minimize their environmental footprint. Com- panies must enact change by adopting sustain- able practices. Global citizenship in business can drive environmental sustainability, offering insights into balancing profit with responsibil- ity, navigating diverse regulations, and building a culture that prioritizes the planet. Profit-driven motives can coexist with envi- ronmental responsibility when companies view sustainability as a path to long-term resilience. e costs of sustainable initiatives such as green or renewable energy may initially be high. How- ever, when businesses consider long-term sav- ings and the growing consumer preference for eco-friendly brands, these investments become strategic rather than ethical concerns. For example, Unilever's Sustainable Liv- ing Plan focused on resource efficiency and eco-friendly products and subsequently the company reduced its carbon emissions and attracted consumers committed to sustain- ability. Many global companies are also adopt- ing circular economy models, which focus on minimizing waste using renewable materials. is approach has lowered costs and improved brand image, making it a viable strategy for companies of all sizes. A significant challenge for global businesses Global Citizenship in Environmental Sustainability

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