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58 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2025 In continuing my series on finding, signing, and keeping good peo- ple for your company, this month we discuss hiring good people for your quality department. Even when hiring was easier, hiring for the quality department has always been especially challenging. It takes a special kind of person: someone with attention to detail, some- one ready to stand for his or her convictions, and someone who can stand up under pressure when the company needs to ship product and the quality manager refuses to because it is not up to par. The quality department is the very soul of any manufacturing company. "The October book-to-bill ratio for the North American EMS industry slightly trailed the long-term trend. Although orders have declined for two consecutive months, the year-to-date performance remains solid," said Shawn DuBravac, Ph.D., IPC's chief economist. "Shipments, which had been subdued earlier this year, have now increased for four consecutive months, suggesting improving momentum." Electronic devices are ubiquitous, performing criti- cal functions in a wide range of applications. Many of these devices operate in harsh environments characterized by extremes in temperature, humidity, pollution, and chemical exposure. Standard of Excellence: Hiring for Quality Positions in Manufacturing, Engineering, and Management North American EMS Industry Up 14.7% in October 2024 The Knowledge Base: The Impact of Harsh Environments on Residue Tolerance TOP TEN EDITOR'S PICKS Bert Horner, president of The Test Connection, has recently launched The Training Connection, a new company that addresses critical training needs in test engineering and development, with a focus on essential methodologies like design for test (DFT) and IPC standards. The Training Connection Difference

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