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10 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2025 Artificial Intelligence, Part 4: Prompt Engineering e introduction of Generative AI mod- els and ChatGPT-4's rise to fame has brought about a relatively new term: prompt engineer- ing. What is prompt engineering and what its impact? What prompt engineering tech- niques, tools, and platforms can optimize the use of Generative AI models, particularly large language models (LLMs)? What tips, pointers, and best practices can be used to hone prompt engineering? e following column addresses these questions. What Is Prompt Engineering? Destined to maximize the utility of Gener- ative AI models, prompt engineering devel- ops, designs, and optimizes specific prompts to enhance the output of LLMs or founda- tion models (FMs). Prompt engineering allows us to use AI models more effectively and achieve more accurate, relevant, and timely responses. It refines LLMs with spe- cific prompts and recommended outputs, along with refining inputs to generate texts or images. Maximizing the utility of an AI model, par- ticularly for LLMs to achieve their targeted outcomes, oen requires experimentation and various iterations. Reducing these attempts is possible by better understanding prompt engi- neering's elements and techniques. SMT Perspectives and Prospects by Dr. Jennie S. Hwang, CEO, H-TECHNOLOGIES GROUP