94 SMT Magazine • February 2014
Kitron expands business with
Husqvarna Partnership
husqvarna group has decided to renew its con-
tract with Kitron and has increased the contract
scope by adding new products. The annual reve-
nues under the new contract could be in the range
of NoK 25 million until 2017. This would repre-
sent a doubling of current levels.
IeC electronics' executive
VP resigns
Don Doody, executive vice president, has vol-
untarily resigned from the company effective
January 10, 2014. w. barry gilbert, chairman
and CEo, stated, "we greatly appreciate the
contribution Don has made to the company
over the past nine years. During his time with
IEC, we have grown from a company with a lit-
tle over $28 million in revenue to a $141 million
benchmark expects to
exceed 4Q13 Guidance
The company, a leading integrated product de-
sign and manufacturing services provider, expects
sales and earnings per share to exceed the high
end of guidance for the fourth quarter of 2013.
on october 24, 2013, the company provided
fourth quarter guidance for sales between $685
and $715 million and diluted earnings per share
between $0.34 and $0.38.
Global-Tech to Close
eMS business
Net sales for the second quarter of fiscal 2014 were
$12.6 million, compared to $26 million for the cor-
responding quarter in fiscal 2013. This decrease in
net sales is primarily attributable to sharp declines
in sales in the company's EMS business which, as
previously disclosed, continues to be adversely af-
fected by a slowing Chinese domestic market, high
turnover and rapidly decreasing margins.
News Highlights from
SMTonline this Month
94 SMT Magazine • February 2014