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46 SMT Magazine • April 2014 ODB++, and Hemant Shah of Cadence Design Systems, who is active in developing the IPC- 2581 standard. These panelists kept the marketing to a mini- mum and addressed the facts surrounding this hot-button issue. We shot a variety of these pan- els, but the data standard panel drew the biggest crowd; each format attracted its own entourage. But no panelists were injured during the filming of this panel. In other news, Rick Hartley announced that he is really, truly retiring from L-3 Avionics this year. But he'll continue to teach design classes and stay active in the PCB community. He just won't have to get up to an alarm clock anymore, which sounds like a plan. Overall, the Design Forum and IPC APEX EXPO went off without a hitch. Our booth was packed all week, with interviews set for every 15 minutes. And we saw solid traffic in the aisles the first two days, and OK traffic on the last day. Next year, the show moves back to (hopefully) sunny San Diego. See you in the Gaslamp Quarter! Designers Step up at Design Forum Continues Ben Jordan and Andy Shaughnessy