90 SMT Magazine • July 2014
IPC Certifies Conflict
Minerals Data Exchange
iPC-1755 was developed under a globally rec-
ognized, industry-consensus standards process,
which makes it easier for companies to use a single
standard for all international operations. Support
from AiAg, CfSi, and JEiTA highlight the global
support for this effort. The association's experience
in developing industry-consensus data exchange
standards helped standardize the data fields.
Varitron Expands Presence;
Acquires Altronics
"varitron and Altronics provide similar services, but
also have complementary offerings intended for dif-
ferent markets," notes Michel farley, president of va-
ritron group. "By pooling our expertise, we will be
able to serve more customers and to provide added
value in terms of volume with the aim of consolidat-
ing the U.S. market and developing new niches."
Newbury Extends Free
Parts listing for
PCB Components
newbury Electronics is increasing its list of free
parts for use in its PCB assembly to over 1,000
different components with immediate effect.
The free parts scheme has been on trial for some
time but has now been greatly extended to in-
clude a wider range and more expensive com-
ponents. This new approach to costing will ap-
ply across the company's PCB Train assembly
lower Mfg Volumes in
Europe Hurt Incap's
Q1 Revenue
The group's revenue was EUR 5.5 million, down
approximately 51% year-on-year (Q1/2013: EUR
10.7 million) due to the decreased manufacturing
volumes in the company's factories in Europe.
News Highlights from
SMTonline this Month
90 SMT Magazine • July 2014