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20 SMT Magazine • August 2014 be "read" by a multitouch screen and launch a program. Very low cost per device (less than $.01) • Tamper evidence • Packaging that warms cookies thanks to a printed resistive ink • Smart shelves that can monitor stock units (e.g., for hotel minibars) and retail use, as CPG companies seek data on stock levels and when people pick up or use their products In terms of developers, there are many ink suppliers but the key are the product designers. These include T-ink, MWV, Printechnologics, Soligie, Printed electronics GmbH, GSI Technol- ogies and Ynvisible. Costs tend to be variable, but are usually high especially since, for the time being, all these are hybrid devices, with several very dif- ferent technologies to be integrated, where ink is not the dominate cost. The challenge remains in the product design and integration with oth- er components in order to make the final, fully functional product. sensors Integrated sensors of different parameters are the key in this segment. Demonstrators/ prototypes are available such as motion sensors that detect someone's presence, used to trigger a sequence only when necessary, photodetec- tors from ISORG, temperature sensing from PST Sensors, etc. These are still not made in high enough volume but overall, the challenge re- mains in defining the right complete product for these applications as well as working to put together/integrate the driving electronics. sMt CliCk To View Video Interview Mydata general Manager Robert gothner discusses trends he's seeing in the pick-and-place segment, such as an increase in "shortback" runs: volumes in the hundreds instead of the thousands. He and Editor Kelly Dack also cover some of the compa- ny's newer products. Pick-and-Place Industry trends and Much More by Real Time with... IPC APEX EXPO 2014 Dr. Harry Zervos is a senior technology analyst with IDTechEx. PRINtED ELECtRONICs tEChNOLOgy CasE stuDy continues FEaTuRE

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