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September 2014 • The PCB Magazine 39 3D LDS COMPONENTS continues lacquer LPKF ProtoPaint LDS. It is available as a simple spray can. This paint can coat almost any plastic surface with a laser-activatable coat- ing. LPKF ProtoPaint LDS considerably acceler- ates the prototyping of mechatronic compo- nents in conjunction with modern generative manufacturing processes. First, a blank is made and varnished with a layer thickness of about 30–40 µm. Very often, one step is sufficient for a homogeneous layer. The lacquer has to be hard- ened in an oven for approximately three hours. Afterwards, this component can be structured like a series part. The adhesive strength of the conductors after metallization is similar to plas- tic components made of LDS plastic. The last step in the prototyping process is to metallize the plastic parts. In collaboration with Enthone GmbH, LPKF has developed a very simple solution: LPKF ProtoPlate LDS is a cop- per bath, which can be used without any prior chemical knowledge. Just put the copper bath into a beaker, heat it up to 42°C, add a vial of activator and put the structured parts into the bath. It is active for approximately two hours and can build up platings with a thickness be- tween 3 µm and 10 µm. This fully developed prototyping process fully closes the gap between layout and series production. It becomes very comfortable, quick figure 10: leds on a metal body, covered with lds powderCoating, etched by a 3d laser system, and metalized in a metallization bath.